We round-up and read all the reviews of outdoor gear and clothing across the web and distill the results into an easy to understand score with pros and cons. Our editors aggregate and synthesize all of the relevant reviews on the web into a single meta review for each product. Our motto is – We read all the reviews so you don’t have to!
We are headquartered in the spectacular Eastern Sierra and our team is spread across the globe. While we often use the gear we have on the site, our primary job is to be a curator and collator of the existing online ratings and reviews. When useful, we will include an “editor’s note” in a review, but these do not impact a product’s rating, and are clearly marked as such.
The main components of our product reviews are the aggregated rating, the pros/cons, and the summary. The rating is separated into three parts: (1) The PeakScore, which is based on our custom algorithm designed to provide a single, unified rating for each product, derived from the existing ratings on the Web. (2) The pros/cons, which are meticulously hand-pulled from existing reviews on the Web. (3) The review summary, which is a very brief summation of the product’s reviews.
Additionally, we make a distinction inside of our reviews between “user” reviews and “expert” reviews.
You can learn more about the PeakScore and our gear ratings methodology here.
It may go without saying, but one of the main reasons for this site is to provide consumers with more accurate information before making a purchase, in order to reduce the number of products they acquire, thereby shrinking their environmental impact.
Thanks for visiting us and we’d love to hear any feedback you have!